Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Welcome to Feral Chicken Brewery's Community Supported Brewing blog page!

The idea for the CSB came to being after much discussion about 1. how we want to make lots and lots of different beers 2. how we can't possibly drink all the beers that we have made in order to make room for the new beers that we want to brew... and taste and 3. how we probably can't afford to buy all the ingredients for all the beers we want to brew. So, we thought what if we got a group of people together and we all pitched in and made new beers on a weekly/bi monthly/monthly basis and we all got to keep a few six packs?  Everyone wins.

To get things rolling this fall/winter, Jeff made a DELICIOUS pumpkin porter (watch out Four Peaks!) and his own creation, a  Black Forest (sour cherry chocolate) stout with sour cherries we smuggled back on the plane from Pennsylvania this summer.

Here's the deal:
1. you pitch in $5(ish) per six pack depending on the type of beer (obviously mead, barley wine, other high gravity beers would have more ingredients and be more expensive, lighter beers may be less).  Plus bottle cost....
2. Bottles cost approximately 0.50 each, or $3/six pack. Please return your bottles for a discount!
3. you're MORE than welcome to come help!!!!  it's COMMUNITY SUPPORTED BREWING!  YOU are the community!  This is an awesome way to come get a brewing education and drink some beer.

Our next brew is up to you!  Check out the survey on the right and vote in the next few days.  Or, if you'd like something different, please make a suggestion!  The survey will change periodically depending on your feedback.  (note: I don't currently have the equipment to make lagers or wheat beers).

Our next brew day is this Saturday, November 16th. Please let us know if you're interested in this batch by Thursday November 14th.  Or, if you're interested in retroactively "chipping in" for the pumpkin porter or the Black Forest Stout, let us know that too!  The only deadline for that is when the beer has been consumed. :)

Legally, we are a brewing club.  We are all chipping in to buy ingredients, and get to take home what we brew.  We ARE NOT SELLING ALCOHOL!!!!!

Thanks!  We look forward to seeing you at out next brew day!

1 comment:

  1. We're in! Busy this weekend, but post your next brew date a bit further in advance and we'll put it on the calendar!
